Since i started writing my The Little Freak story in 2014.
I vividly can remember me sitting in a grassy field, with the sun shining on me, birds chirping, while i was plotting out pages, on top of pages on top of pages in the sketchbook i had with me..
I had the freedom to work wherever when i was plotting my stories, it didn’t matter if the characters were fleshed out 100% in that phase, the only thing that counted was that everything i was putting down, was clear to me.
I knew the plot beats i wanted, the trick was finding a way to get there.
One day, i noticed that i reached page 425…
(Checking the sketchbook: That page says: 17-03-2015.
I might have been writing for a year and filled up 3 of those big dummies).
And said to myself, that i should stop plotting and start actually creating pages,
so i have something to publish.
Now we live in the year of our lord, TwoThousandAndTwentyFour
and i am now, proud to say, that i have reached the sketch phase of page 420 through 425.
now at the clean-up stage, and i’m so thrilled, to finally see the end of this first run of my biggest story.
Of course, seeing i knew, this arc ended on an open note and that i have some loose ends story wise,
that needed to be taken care off. Possible things happening popped in my head, happening to characters we gotten to know and love.. And hate, and hate to love and love to hate.. Some great things happening, some weird and crazy things. Too much happening, that won’t be mentioned here, because, well.. Spoilers.
I opened up a wordpad, and started to write down plot beats and things that were going to happen to my characters.. Things that were rummaging in my mind for years..
Do you realise what a rush that gave me, to finally write down the things, that i was dreaming about for almost ten years, to finally have them in text before me.. it gave me such a kick, that i can’t wait to start the second arc of my longest story to date.. called: The Little Freak.
Suffice to say: Issue’s 1 through 6 are available for purchase,
right here, and at the most specialised of special book stores.
At the the moment the single issues are only in Dutch language,
but i’m planning to create Trade Paper Backs, collecting 5 issues, but in English.
Category: Uncategorized
The Little Freak #5 is coming to you in 2019!
Well, it happened, i got that window. That made it possible to bring out issue 5 for The Little Freak. Just in time for the convention.
Earlier this year it was clear it wasn’t going to happen for me to come to any convention in 2019, missed the ones beginning of the year and it seemed that the end of the year i wasn’t going to attend them eighter.
Really glad that things changed, so i was able to get working on the layout of issue 5 and putting the final touches on the pages for that issue.
Just. In. Time, to take the book with me to the net convention that is beeing held this next week.
Hope all of the people that are reading this series, are attending the con, so they can pick up an issue, to enjoy all the hard work. Specially when the deadline was cut this close.
For now, it’s waiting for the printer to finish all the books, hopefully late this week, otherwise beginning next week. Send it on over to my doorstep and me taking those books with me to the comic con, along side Sgt Benbo chapters, Follow The Norm albums, Sketchcards, and a little tease for an upcoming artbook i’m dreaming up.
Hope to see you all there!
Roland Moonen
it was quiet in 2019 on the Moon-Toons front
Sadly not to much output from Moon-Toons as of yet this year, other than our uploads on instagram / facebook with the Daily Doodles, and updates of working on #TheLittleFreak.
Usually we will crank out a Sgt Benbo chapter, or an issue from The Little Freak, just in time for conventions we like to visit, so we can talk to fans and generally like minded individuals, but because of some circumstances we couldn’t make it to the first conventions in the year, I hope we can make it later this year, but we will let you know through our socials and here on the site, just keep in mind, at the moment of writing this, Roland has no dates set, even though he wants to, but the circumstances are so that, at the moment he can’t make plans to be at said cons..
How ever, Roland is hard at work on issues 9 and 10 of The Little Freak.(as you might have seen, if you follow us on instagram and facebook) But, in late in 2018 he started on daily sketching, or “DailyDoodles” if you will. Which gave him in 2019 the idea, when working on one of those sketches, the off the wall idea, to make said sketch a recurring character, in doing so, came up with the over all concept of “Cyber Ladies”. With 80+ sketches done so far in his sketchbooks, with those characters featured, we are thinking of putting out a sketchbook with some of those drawings in it to sell, For the people that are interested. If you are curious on what those look like, I urge you to follow us on our social media, Roland Cranks a little something out every day, to let his small group of fans know what is going on behind the scenes.
if you are interested in commissions, you are free to contact Roland through our contact form, with your wishes (commissions start from €10,- and upwards.) This is also the best way, if you want back issues from our series, when you are missing an issue, or want a poster, please go through our E-mail system and we will get right back to you with options..
So, sorry for the people that wanted to get their hands on issue 5 of The Little Freak, I will make it up, with the edition of the above mentioned Cyber Ladies artbook I have planned in the near future, when things have settled down.
Keep checking our socials, for updates and, if I do manage to be at a convention with new books and merch, where you weren’t able to go to. No worries, you can order your stash from this site, through contact form, (still not a working webshop sad to say) So please check that out.
Roland Moonen
The Little Freak #2 coming to Rijswijk!
Deel 1 verscheen op 27 September 2016 te Breda
Deel 2 zal zijn opwachting maken tijdens De Stripdagen te Rijswijk! that’s right, Roland Moonen keert terug waar het allemaal voor hem én The Little Freak begon, en is voor de eerste keer weer aanwezig op De Stripdagen die sinds enkele jaren zich plaats vinden in Rijswijk. De laatste keer dat Roland een tafeltje had was nog in Gorinchem.
Naast de vaste Moon-Toons iconen zoals Sgt Benbo en Follow The Norm, zal dit keer deel 2 van zijn nieuwste serie The Little Freak hier voor het eerst vertoond worden (Natuurlijk is deel 1 er ook bij voor de gene die nog niet bekend zijn met de doorlopende avonturen serie en er aan willen beginnen). Hopelijk zal de serie goed in de smaak vallen bij het publiek.
Roland kan haast niet wachten om het te gaan beleven in Rijswijk, en is erg benieuwd hoe zijn werk ontvangen zal worden in het zuiden van Nederland.
Issue 1 came out on September 27th in 2016 over at Breda.
Issue 2 will be coming out during the Stripdagen at Rijswijk, that’s right!
Roland Moonen returns where everything started for him ánd The Little Freak, and returns for the first time since this convention moved from Gorinchem to Rijswijk.
Next to Moon-Toons icons like Sgt. Benbo and Follow The Norm, The Little Freak returns with his second issue from his series with the same name (off course issue 1 will be available for the people that have never read the series and are curious to pick it up.) We hope people will like the series.
Roland can’t wait to get immersed in everything the convention has to offer and how the people from the south of the Netherlands will react to his work.
The Little Freak deel1 is uit!!
Super nieuws dames en heren!
op 27 september 2016 is The Little Freak deel 1 in druk verschenen, die zijn opwachting zal maken tijdens het stripfestival Breda! (15 & 16 Oktober Claudius Prinsenlaan 8, 4811 DK Breda)
Na 2 jaar!!! zwoegen, bloed zweet en tranen was het boek klaar voor druk en kan het avontuur beginnen, voor de characters, mijzelf én de lezer.
Een verhaal met humor, spanning, avontuur en een vleugje horror. Een boek waar ik heerlijk aan kan werken, dat ik er zelf helemaal verantwoordelijk voor ben, voor het verhaal, tekenwerk en de kleur, maakt het alleen deste meer speciaal voor mij.
Zoals je ziet is dit deel 1, momenteel ben ik bezig met deel 5 en zijn deel 2 t/m 4 klaar voor inspectie, dat wil zeggen dat als de boeken lekker lopen kan ik ze gelijdelijk aan uitgeven zonder dat er te veel druk op te ketel staat en heb ik wat speling met het maken van opkomende delen.
In tegenstelling tot mijn voorgaande verhalen, die engels geschreven waren of engels met nederlands, is dit boek voorlopig volledig in het nederlands. Ik kreeg op beursen te horen dat mensen het spijtig vonden niets te kunnen kopen omdat het engelse tekst was, nu ben ik een iemand die zijn fans / lezers graag een plezier doet en is dit nieuwe verhaal daarom om te beginnen in het Nederlands.
Ik hoop dus dat jullie er net zo veel plezier van zullen beleven als ik.
Super good news!
On 27th of September 2016 the first printing of my new project The Little Freak came out, that will have it’s debut during the “strip festival Breda” after 2 years of hard work, where the blood, sweat and tears gushed richly, finally the book was ready for press, and now it’s time for some adventure, for the characters in the book, for me and the readers
A story filled with humor, excitement, adventure and a dab of horror, this is a book that i love working on, and the fact that i’m solely responsible for the story, art and color makes it even more special to me.
As you can see, this is book 1, that means this is installment 1 of many. At this moment i’m working on issue 5, and books 2 through 4 are ready for inspection. This means if these books are successful i can publish following issues more fluently and i will have some leeway working on future issues.
Other than my previous work, which were written in English or a mix of English and dutch this series will be first printed in Dutch language, perhaps when i finally go global this series and everything else will be printed in multiple languages. (one can dream) Reason i’m printing it in dutch is at conventions i attend i hear that people are sad they can’t read the English text, and seeing i like to please my fans / readers i’ll give them what they want hence the dutch text this time in the book.
I hope that everyone will like the series just as much i enjoy making it.
Oproep aan adverteerders
Sorry guys and gals this one is for the dutchies.
Beste stripliefhebbers, lezers, Moon-Toon fans en zakenlieden met een affiniteit met comics, strips en illustreren.
Zoals u mogelijk heeft kunnen op vangen, heeft Roland Moonen een nieuw project om handen, een project wat 425 pagina’s op het moment telt. Waarvan de eerste 21 afgelopen donderdag een test print van gemaakt is. (look’s good!)
Het boek heeft een “Amerikaans comic book” formaat ( of zal ik voor het gemak Donald Duck formaat zeggen?) Met 36 pagina’s, naast de strip hebben we de bedoeling om er advertenties in te plaatsen zodat we die 425 daadwerkelijk kunnen drukken wanneer de pagina’s gereed zijn (uitgewerkt, ge inkt en gekleurd).
Op het moment zijn de eerste 21 pagina’s van de strip gereed, waarna de rest volgt. De strip heeft nu op het moment stof voor 21 delen te omvatten. Waarna het tweede gedeelte van het verhaal zich zal vervolgen om er aan het al omvattende verhaal een eind aan te brijen. Dus we kunnen nog even door gaan.
Zoals reeds vermeld is de eerste test gedrukt, waar mogelijke verdere aanpassingen gedaan zullen worden, voor we de uiteindelijke boeken zullen drukken zijn we nu opzoek naar adverteerders.
Adverteerders die in the Little freak willen en kunnen adverteren met hun reclame,
we hebben plaats voor de volgende formaten:
Een advertentie die de volledige pagina in beslag neemt zijn : 34×51
Pagina waar de advertenties in een 2 blok is ingedeeld zijn : 34×25
Pagina waar de advertenties in een 3 blok is ingedeeld zijn: 34×16
Pagina waar de advertenties in een 4 blok is ingedeeld zijn: 16×25
Pagina waar de advertenties in een 6 blok is ingedeeld zijn: 16×16
De prijzen per advertentie formaat, word aangewerkt. Vragen daar over graag via de mail van uit het contact formulier.
We geven uw reclame graag een plaats!
Het meest ideale zijn we opzoek naar particulieren en bedrijven die open staan om voor al de 21(+) delen kunnen adverteren, (maar we zijn flexiebel). Mocht u geïnteresseerd zijn schroom niet, en stuur een mail met als onderwerk ‘TLF adverteren’.
Kijk de site door voor The Little Freak, zo ook onze facebook pagina, niet te vergeten de specifieke The Little Freak fan pagina, don’t forget to like !
Finished scripting the little freak’s first story ark!
Well, dudes and dudettes.
yesterday around midnight, (Tuesday 17-03-2015) Roland finished scripting the first story ark to his new series The Little Freak
The initial intention was to write a big, fun, adventurous, fantastic story as a whole, and leave it at that. With one solid story, with a steady cast of characters it seemed like a great idea.. But at the end in the third dummy book, things happened, things that needed closure for one the main characters and to tie up some loose things that weren’t settled from the start of the story..
So yeah, chances are, when (if) the little freak gets to the point that page 425.. The book will probably continue to for a bit to really give the story a solid ending..
Next to that, back to the reason why this installment of this blog was created.. Finishing scripting on TLF.
Writing the first ark of TLF took a year and everything started in march 2014 during a comic convention in Holland. Roland started scribbling on a piece of paper, drawing the first thing that popped in his head.. That creation looked and felt cool enough, that he started thinking. That possibly, something more needed to be done with the little fella.. And quickly named it the little freak, for some odd reason and tucked it away, and went on with the convention at hand.
At the end of the convention, finally home, he grabbed the illustrations of the little freak out of his case, and scanned it in, to start coloring it, what made the illustrations look even more.. Well, bad ass!
Sometime later. After ideas were turning in his head, somewhat resembling a potential story, a story popped up and started writing. What first started out as one page gags, but soon found out that those gag pages were asking for more of a story ark.
The first 5 pages where made as one page gag strips, but after the 5th one, the story behind the little freak and the universe that they lives in came looking around the corner. After those 5 pages, something happened. The story kept on burning for an entire year and change, And those 5 pages that were solo gags stories changed and became a cohesive story counting 425 pages. Where it resides in 3 dummy books at the moment. .
it’s not finished..
If you are interested in The Little Freaks continuation and in what stadium Roland is on creating the series, you can keep an eye out on this blog, on the Moon-Toons facebook page, as well on our Instagram and Tumbler accounts..
Don’t forget sharing is caring, so share, like and subscribe to Moon-Toons!
(The real Moon-Toons accounts are linked on this site here
Stripdagen 2015
Convention season has started again,
last sunday it kicked off with a small appetizer, in the form of a small amateur con that went surprisingly well.
Next month on the 7th and 8th of march we kick it off with the Stripdagen in Gorinchem,
(i’m trying to get a seat at the dutch comic con but nothing’s set yet.)
Along side Roland Moonen’s Sgt. Benbo, and Follow The Norm, he’s been busy with a new project called “The Little Freak” been scripting it’s storyline since march 2014 and is just getting near the end. so we he needs a little more time to get started on actually work on individual pages.
Next to the stories and books he writes and illustrates.. Since 2014 we have Moon-Toons Prints; consisting of Tributes and originals. Tributes are prints filled with nostalgia, series Roland loved watching or reading. Titles like “Samurai Pizza Cats” “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” “Savage Dragon” “The Rocketeer” with the success of the pizza cats prints, a new wave has been made. Roland finished a new batch of character illustrations of that show he loved.. New characters like the New York pizza cats, Guru Lou, Princess Vi, Al Dente, and more. So for the folks that remember the pizza cats.. it’s Perhaps something to keep an eye out for, when you attend a convention with a Moon-Toons booth in the vicinity.
Originals are the Creator owned prints featuring Roland Moonen’s own created characters like Sgt. Benbo (which has his yearly print since 2012) new are the little freak prints, and more to come in the near future.
So when you are near by Gorinchem that particular weekend, come and say hi at the Moon-Toons booth, perhaps treat yourself to a new book, Print or a commission when your feeling generous!
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